minimum timer (in seconds), can be changed via the entry. when activated, the puzzle timer won't decrease below the minimum timer specified. when activated, the 2D ghost woman head won't show up at all. normal patrol janitor would still be patrolling though. when activated, janitor won't show up cause of too much running or switching on light.
default stealth mode upon script activation: full mode. in semi mode, you'd be in stealth only when you're crouching. in full mode, you are always in stealth, janitor won't attempt to chase you or attack you. when activated, you can choose from 2 stealth mode: semi or full. when you're in stealth, janitor won't notice you, and would abandon attacking/searching even if he spotted you before you're in stealth. default minimum breath: 40, can be changed by editing the script, line 3. minimum breath can be changed via the entry. when activated, janitor can't hurt you at all. default minimum health: 10, can be changed by editing the script, line 3. minimum health threshold can be changed via the entry. health still drops when being hit but you won't die. added 2 scripts: no ghost woman head, and infinite timer. added 2 scripts: infinite Healing Items and ignore School Coins.

added movement speed mod, and ignore items updated ignore items, see description for details. check the bottom of the post for details. the hot-keys config is slightly changed. changed infinite Felt-Tip Pen to ignore save restriction, see script description below for details.